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FranFunnel, while originally conceived of in the summer of 2016, began operating in earnest in January 2017.

By that time, we had developed an MVP and conquered the most material of the first challenges that would have prevented us from actually growing…with one exception: How do we get our customers’ leads into our system?

We battled back and forth and back and forth on this and finally we thought that perhaps e-mail parsing may be the correct way to go. I then received this message from our lead engineer, letting me know she was onto something:

Little did I know how important Mailparser was going to become to the future of FranFunnel.

Over the course of the past two years, we have time and time again relied on their software to turn leads from all over the franchise world into digital records in FranFunnel. I don’t know what the actual count is but it’s safe to say that it’s hundreds and hundreds of thousands of leads.

There were a few different things that made our experience so amazing:

1. Their user interface was so intuitive that I could, as a not that tech-savvy person, could easily accomplish what I needed to both set-up and trouble shoot our mailboxes.

2. They have the best wizard I’ve ever seen. We had at least a 90% hit rate in having their wizard correctly guess how we wanted our e-mails to be parsed.

3. It worked almost all the time. Asking a B2B SaaS company to work 100% of the time is unreasonable, as there are small things that go wrong here and there. But gosh darn it Mailparser worked at an outrageously high rate, thus turning something that could keep me up at night into something that was out of mind.

Of all the softwares I’ve ever worked with, Mailparser would be one of very few to receive my highest recommendation.

The reason I’m writing this open note of gratitude to Mailparser is that our time with them is coming to an end. After being so important for so long, we’ve decided that we need to get into the e-mail parsing game ourselves. I really hope that this serves as the ultimate compliment, Mailparser has shown us what it means to be excellent as a business service so much so that we want to do it ourselves. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Thanks for everything.

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