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FranFunnel's Five Things Friday -- Meet Eli Robinson

Happy Friday! Meet Eli Robinson, our General Manager and trivia enthusiast from our New York team. Read on to hear all about his love of tech, encyclopedias and taking showers. (Thanks to C Squared Social for the idea!)

What are some of your favorite things about working at FranFunnel?

Number one has got to be working with our team. We’ve got a bunch of high-functioning goof balls behind the scenes at FranFunnel, and it makes our job pretty fun. Beyond that, I will say that working on text messaging is incredibly dynamic. Watching our world change around us means that we get to keep learning whether we want to or not.

What is your favorite piece of technology?

I’ll take a broad approach to this question and say Wikipedia. Obviously the idea behind the democratization of information is appealing, but much more than that it’s having it in your pocket 24/7. I’m definitely the kind of guy in eras past who would have purchased a real encyclopedia, so having that available to me whenever I want it is simply incredible.

Where do you find creative inspiration?

Traditionally it was always the shower. It’s the place most immune from “real world realities” in my life and I’m guessing for many people out there as well. Life is a junked up conglomerate. And simply dealing with the operations of keeping the train on the tracks destroys inspiration in my experience. Other “shower-like” venues are my commute, long walks, trips, and the golf course. 

What was the first thing you ever sold to someone?

In high school, I worked in the snack bar of our local swimming pool. While the transactions were very simple and only a few dollars, the same principles of capitalism drove behavior. Prioritizing customer service and offerings for a broad base of customers was the name of the game. Not to mention high-quality products. I’m not sure you could provide for a family on my snack bar wages, but you could teach an economics class easily in that little shack in Knoxville.

If money was no object, what software product would you invent and why?

Traditionally it had been software to encourage people to invest their savings, but it seems that I’m late to that game. I’ve always been fascinated by how people are thoughtful in loss and clueless in gain. Put another way, when things go well humans are wont to just let things be while on the contrary are willing to be incredibly analytical when things go poorly. This is frustrating albeit easy to understand. For my money, there’s a lot of learning to do when you succeed as well as when you fail. So I’d like to invent software that helps people log their thoughts when they succeed.

That's all for this week! Thanks for learning more about the FranFunnel team.

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