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FranFunnel’s First 100 Days — The Leads

The leads.

To channel some of my teachers from my younger years, K.I.S.S.

FranFunnel is all about the leads.

Without leads, FranFunnel as well as your franchise’s entire sales processes aren’t going to work particularly well.

So for the first in our series of posts to celebrate the first 100 days of FranFunnel, we want to take a look at the leads that have come into FranFunnel. And more importantly, we want to give you an idea of what lead flow looks like across the franchise spectrum rather than simply your franchise.

As we look at these statistics, there are a couple of things to keep in mind:

  1. We work with franchises of all shapes and sizes.
  2. We work with lead sources of all shapes and sizes.
  3. There’s no such thing as the “average” lead.

But with that in mind, let’s see what we can tell you about the tens of thousands of leads we’ve seen come through FranFunnel.

Leads are fairly evenly distributed throughout the week with a slight dip Friday — Sunday. That being said, it’s clearly important to have a good plan for those days as they represent almost 40% of the leads.

I’m amazed by how consistent lead flow is between 8AM and 10PM (with only a slight dip between 11PM and 1AM.) While the true “overnight” leads don’t seem to be a huge issue, the leads between when your sales team leave the office and the end of the day are clearly at risk here.

If you’re interested in a fuller state by state lead analysis, you should check out FranchiseHelp’s United States of Franchising. It looks like the top states here are similar to the top states that they found.

Obviously no single zip code is going to dominate this list, but it is still pretty cool to see the cities that dominate this list.

Google and Yahoo make up a truly amazing 72% of the leads coming through FranFunnel. Understanding how these two inbox providers handle your emails in clearly the most important part of succeeding in emailing franchise leads.

FranFunnel is the world’s first software platform uniquely designed to help franchises communicate with leads more efficiently and effectively. We focus on taking leads, wherever you may generate them, and getting the most out of them.

Take a demo.

Let us make your life easier with FranFunnel.

(This article is part of our series commemorating FranFunnel’s 100th day. Make sure you also checkout our report on contact rate and lessons learned.)

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