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FranFunnel Release Notes, July 2021: More Powerful Searching

This month we’re debuting a feature that our strongest supporters and power users have been asking about for years:

More powerful searching.

This is for our customers who are sales managers and directors of franchise development. They manage large, complex, teams. And at the snap of their fingers, this new functionality makes their job easier.

Now those power users will be able to look at the conversations that a certain team member is having, then, they can switch to see the conversations that another team member is having, and so on.

That’s why our latest feature gives the ability for power users to instantly see, in their FranFunnel dashboard, which leads are assigned to which member of their organization.

Here is how it looks in practice:

You'll see that as we selected the "show additional filters" button, the option to "filter by salesperson" appeared below.

Then, when we put in "Lisa," one of this user's call qualifiers, the lead list instantly responded to only show Lisa’s leads. We can add fields to the original search bar as well, like this:

Now you only see leads assigned to Lisa that have been contacted. This is helpful if the team wants to follow up with a certain lead in one account or another, but don't remember the lead's name

Ultimately, our users have high expectations for the organization of their digital tools. The new flexibility of searching is a huge leap to make FranFunnel’s Master Dashboard more masterful. Instead of a hodgepodge of the user level accounts shown in one, now you have more powerful searching to help you find the information you need faster.

David Guilfoyle is the CTO of FranFunnel. He is a future astronaut and current crypto enthusiast.

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